What is Funimation Anime
Funi-mation Anime refers to the anime content distributed and dubbed by Funi-mation-anime, an American entertainment company that specializes in bringing Japanese anime to English-speaking audiences. funi-mation now is known for offering a wide range of popular anime series and movies, including titles like Dragon Ball Z, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, and One Piece. They provide both subtitled and English-dubbed versions of anime, making it accessible to a global audience through their streaming platform and home video releases.
funimation dragon ball z
Watch Dragon Ball Z on Funi-mation for the ultimate anime experience. Stream all episodes and relive the legendary battles of Goku and friends in high-quality HD
crunchyroll funimation
Crunchyroll and Funi-mation bring together the best of anime in one place. Enjoy a vast library of your favorite shows, from classic series to new releases, with subtitles or dubs, all in high-quality streaming.
Funi-mation is an American entertainment company that specializes in the distribution, dubbing, and production of anime. Founded in 1994, it became well-known for licensing and bringing popular Japanese anime series to international audiences, with one of its most famous titles being Dragon Ball Z. Funi-mation provides streaming services, home video releases, and merchandise for a wide range of anime series. It also offers both English-dubbed and subtitled versions of shows, catering to various preferences among anime fans. Recently, it merged with Crunchyroll, combining their anime libraries.